Friday, March 29, 2013

The Diaper Situation
Since my eye opening trash debacle on Wednesday I have been analyzing everything I (and others) use and throw away. It's slightly annoying to be worrying about what others are disposing of in addition to working on my own trash issue. I just keep reminding myself "little by little" or "habba ne babba" as my African Religion Professor would have said.

I have not yet attempted to get my family on board with supporting my change in lifestyle, but all in good time. Until then, I will be forced to sort through their trash, which I did this evening.  Needless to say, it was gross and not something I look forward to doing again. That 'same page' conversation needs to happen soon. Anyway, I was able sort through the full trash can and recycle all but a piece of tin foil and a TON of diapers. A recycling and compost system is a must and, as I expected, my search for an alternative to Luna's diapers is imperative.

Since potty training a six months old is unheard of, as far as I know my options are either cloth or compostable. Besides the Internet, I have received some great advise from an old friend. If anyone has recent experience with either please share. I plan to make the big switch this weekend in effort to change my norm of filling the landfill one dirty diaper at a time.


  1. Good luck with that. I was not that motivated. But everything you are saying is something we should all do.

    1. Thanks Maya! I got some great advise from some people so we shall see. Plus, the new cloth diapers are super cute. :) I am sure I will be pulling my hair out until I get a routine!

  2. And yes....I should have known then, but I do can recycle tin foil!
