Saturday, May 11, 2013

Technology Freed

In this case, the norm is 'face buried in cell phone' or computer, iPad, etc. for that matter. Do you remember the last time you had a conversation with someone where there wasn't at least a brief pause to check a text? Or worse, where there wasn't a brief pause to actually make eye contact with you since whatever is on their phone is obviously much more interesting then what you have to say. Talk about annoying! We have turned into such a tech happy country that it has taken the place of social interaction. It has even taken the place of brain power in many cases, why use your own brain when you can just "Google it"? Albert Einstein called it when he said, “I fear the day when the technology overlaps with our humanity. The world will only have a generation of idiots.” Oh snap. He may have just been talking about the chick that fell into the fountain at the Berkshire Mall because her face was burried in her phone, but I have a feeling more people fall into that category. 

I wish I could say I was the exception, but I am not. I am guilty on all accounts. I have been rude to my family, friends, and coworkers by interrupting conversations to converse over text with someone that is not even there, only half listening while I check my emails, and browsing Facebook to check up on the lives of people I haven't talked to in years. I also have noticed a decline in my spelling (no need to know how to spell when you have spellcheck) and an increase in my desire to 'like' things that are not even Facebook related! Wow. Thinking about it wasn't as bad as seeing it written out. I am annoying myself just thinking about it. 

Well in case you wondered, this is why I am challenging the norm of my dependence on technology. Now, most of the technology that we have today wasn't even invented when I was a child so I know it is possible to survive! I am ditching my cell phone, computer and television for a week. I will use my phone to respond to anything important, but it will have to be done the 'old fashion way', over the phone. I will also continue to use my computer for work, otherwise I would get fired and I am not quite ready to challenge the norm of needing money to survive! Besides the few exceptions, there will be no Facebook, apps, random texting, web surfing, TV etc. You get the picture. I will report back at the end of the week and let you know how I made out. 

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