What is worse, giving the immunizations and risking a child's health or not giving them and risking the child's health? Which risk is greater? As a new mother, this the first challenging decision among many and there really is not much help readily available. As soon as your baby is born they are trying to give him or her a shot for Hepatitis B. If you are not prepared for it, which most new parents are not, you instantly get put on the spot to make a decision. You are trying to adapt to the overwhelming idea of being a new parent and you already have this weighted decision on your shoulders. I am not saying one way is right and one way is wrong, but I am saying it is wise to do your homework beforehand and ask questions so that you can feel confident in your decision.
As I asked around to other new parents, I found that most had the same questions that I had. This was very comforting and unsettling at the same time. I don't disagree with immunizations; I think that they are vital for saving lives. I do, however, have questions that were not being answered. Like, for instance, why is it that science cannot link autism and immunizations, but every story that I have heard from parents with an autistic child can relate it back to the exact time of an immunization? It is all very puzzling.
I watched a PBS documentary called The Vaccine War. Although most people think it favors mainstream, I believe it really gave a fair representation of both sides of the situation. If you are challenging this norm, it is a good video to watch. Also, it is important to know that there are doctors that see both sides, the documentary did not touch on that. These doctors in the middle understand the importance of immunizations, but also consider other factors, which makes their recommendations slightly different then mainstream. These doctors are hard to find, but "where there is a will there is a way". They can give you a fresh perspective on the topic so that you can make the educated decision on your own.
Bottom line, I know there is a lot to do when preparing for a baby; decorating the nursery, baby showers, doctor appointments every week, etc., but try and do your homework before you deliver if you have questions. I found the best resource to be other moms, new and old. If you still don't have your questions answered, find a doctor that is willing to help you get your answer and help you feel confident one way or the other. Without guidence, the middle is a very unsettling place to be.
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