Saturday, April 6, 2013

New Additions to the Family

My husband, step daughter, Luna and I welcomed a few members to our family today!  Say hello to our 'new' compost bins, rain barrels and three tiered recycling tubs!  In case you didn't notice, I am actually very excited. No, I did not name them, but it is still early. 

I did have to buy the recycling tubs in order to get something that worked for my family, but the compost bins and rain barrels were given to me by a friend in exchange for helping her with a project.  I also got a small ceramic compost container for my counter top in effort to make things easier on everyone. With these new additions I hope that my trash digging ends today. I still have one more can to get through though, gross! I think I am beginning to get a complex.  Someone one that read my blog last week gave me some advice; "not to get too weird".  If they only knew!

Honestly, all the changes that I have made in a little over a weeks time have been so simple and EASY.  As I told my sister, who is an environmental teacher at a charter school in Pittsburgh, I am just relearning what we were taught in elementary school.  It is not hard, it just takes some small adjustments out of the norm, but it make such a huge impact!

What are your recycling habits?  Share your stories, I am finding the best way to learn new ideas and improve are testimonials from others!

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